Maria Lantin

Director of Research at Emily Carr University of Art + Design


S3D Centre 

Emily Carr University of Art + Design 
Research / creation Lab environment

VIVE (Very Immersive Virtual Environment)

For a short video click  HERE

Vimeo: (Safari, Chrome, Firefox)

VIVE combines the Oculus Rift headset with motion capture systems to create a whole body virtual experience. Being able to roam and interact with the environment creates a more realistic VR experience. Emily Carr researchers are using this system to investigate modes of interaction and networked presence in VR.


Intimating Objects at ECUAD

Invitational Workshop 

UUAC-AAUC Conference 2014  University Art Association of Canada

SHIVERING: Objects, Agency, and Art

25 October, 2014

OCADU,  Toronto Ontario